URME Polygons
Originally conceived for the 2014 College Arts Association exhibition Art2Make curated by V1B3, URME Polygons explores my interests in identity, data, and the open source movement. URME Polygons hacks the identities of historical figures by manipulating their icons using 3D modeling and printing technologies. URME Polygons replaces the faces in 3D models collected from Thingiverse’s creative commons archive of artifacts from around the world with a 3D scan of my own. In doing so, I borrow from the original icon's authoritative voice and appropriate the identities of these historical figures for myself. These new icons that exist as 3D prints masquerade as "truth" and threaten traditionally stable archives of history.
URME Polygons at Art2Make
What does it mean that there is now “Portrait of Pericles” sitting on pedestal with my face on it? Am I Pericles? Is Pericles Leo Selvaggio? In 50, 100, or 2000 years- when other people, robots, or aliens are looking at the archive- will that distinction even matter? Through the lens of historical revisionism, URME Polygons questions our current digital archival practices surrounding identity by confounding the immutability of those who came before us.
Download and use my face anyway you see fit. Turn me into a video game character, manipulate the polygons of my face, 3d print my face into a mask or other object, etc.
To download original URME polygon model, click here.
To download the URME polygon 2.0 model, click here
URME POLYGONS at Woman Made Gallery as part of "DOCUMENT" Jan 16 2015
All the 3D prints for URME Polygons in "Document" at Woman Made Gallery were printed by Edgewater Workbench, A local 3D printing and laser cutting service that works with the Edgewater community in Chicago. They work with CPS schools, artists, and are incredible to work with.
Download and Experience
Click on the following images to experience the works in a 3d viewer, or click on the caption to download models for print or other projects at no cost