Launched in early January of 2021, “Apologize to America” is a participatory Augmented Reality project powered by a custom Snapchat lens. Through performative video recordings, the “Apologize2America Lens” will allow the participant to issue an apology while having the 45th President of the United States' image mapped and overlaid onto their face. The technology implemented here is intentionally not a deep fake. The goal is not to convincingly produce expressions of regret on his behalf, but rather to imagine and produce a fantastical future in which 45 is held accountable. Part tactical media project, a’la the Yes Men, part cathartic wish-fulfillment, “Apologize to America” provides a speculative opportunity to collectively create for ourselves that which we are owed but will never actually receive from the 45th president of the United States. Participants will be able to submit their apologies, which will be published and archived via the Apologize to America website.(www.apologize2america.com) as well as encouraged to share on their personal social media accounts using the #apologize2america or #trumpology.
This is a promotional video created for the project. Participant submissions can be viewed individually in the A2A Archive